Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year :) Happy Silvester!

Happy New Year From the Richardson Family!

Tonight we are making some goodys and going to a friends house for drinks and celebrating :)  We always have such a great time with all of them.  We built a fire in our little fire pit, and we stand around it staying warm....roasting marshmallows (which many Germans have never done).   We got a bunch of fireworks.  I have one special firework, actually a lantern....for my grandpa who passed this year.  We are going to light his name on it and hopefully it will fly way way up in the sky :)

This year besides the loss of grandpa was great.  We went to Spain, we got a new dog, Isaac started school, John is in the tower program, we had our niece visit, we traveled alot!, We finally hung up curtains (HUGE to an army family) was a very great year to us.  I only hope the next year is as good!

Happy New Years Everybody! 
Love, The Richardson Family