Ugh, today the whole family is sick....cough cough.... I am sitting here hot as heck, and having to take care of the crew. Dad is being a good help however. He is home today also, he caught our bug. Our neighbors are sick. A lot of our friends are sick, its just everywhere! So we chose to barricade the door and fight it out! I think the girls are getting better, Isaac still has a fever.
This last weekend I got to go out and let my hair down. John surprised me with a babysitter and we were invited to got out to dinner with a bunch of the barrack boys and a few married couples. Two of them turned 21 which made me feel very old! John was my DD and everyone elses so I got to drink with the boys which I must say I surprised myself. Sips off stuff and 7-8 shots of Jag later I was feeling no pain. I had a lot of fun being with the younger "kids" and not being a mom for a little while :) made it home and slept like a baby. I woke up a little slow but not to bad. Now that I think of it I was probably starting to get sick that morning.
I hope this sickness goes away, I am hot and sick of coughing!
Yesterday I got news of another death in our family. My brother in laws uncle died at 49 of a heart attack. Uncle bob was a blast to be around and even more fun to camp with. I feel for his family and for my brother shawn. We all have had such a bad year, I only hope it gets better. Rest in peace bob, save me a camping spot in the sky :)
This recent loss of people makes you realize that life is short sometimes. It makes you wonder what an impact people make on you, and the impact you make on others. I came to a conclusion that I DO NOT want to smoke in my 30's. I dont think anyone ever plans on being a smoker when they grow up. No one plans on being out of shape, overweight ect. Life happens, and then life stops sometimes. I love my life most of the time, and I want to see my babys grow up. I want to live to be 92 like my Great Grandma Pearl. I guess the key is wanting to live that long, and I guess being stubborn helps to :)
Thats my news for now, Sarah
6 hours ago