Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Long Journeys....

Back from the long long long journey to the center of the Earth.....at leat it felt like it! Gosh what a brutal flight with a toddler. Its hard enough to do alone with no kids. Though I am not trying to scare anyone into not coming over. :)

Although my trip was a chaotic mess I enjoyed seeing my family and friends. I even met new family, some I had not seen since 93'. Man that makes me feel old. I wish I could of seen more, done more, and eaten more, I was there to make sure my grammy was doing good, and to help with whatever I could to make anything easier for her. My grandma is one of my favorite people. I miss her the most already.

I did alot of scrambling while in the states. Its always so complicated when I am home, everyone has there own idea of how things go so I just follow. Being jetlagged and grouchy is not a good combo.

Ill have to write more in a little bit, the man must sleep soon and I am ganna show him my pics...Ill upload one now.