Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year :) Happy Silvester!

Happy New Year From the Richardson Family!

Tonight we are making some goodys and going to a friends house for drinks and celebrating :)  We always have such a great time with all of them.  We built a fire in our little fire pit, and we stand around it staying warm....roasting marshmallows (which many Germans have never done).   We got a bunch of fireworks.  I have one special firework, actually a lantern....for my grandpa who passed this year.  We are going to light his name on it and hopefully it will fly way way up in the sky :)

This year besides the loss of grandpa was great.  We went to Spain, we got a new dog, Isaac started school, John is in the tower program, we had our niece visit, we traveled alot!, We finally hung up curtains (HUGE to an army family) was a very great year to us.  I only hope the next year is as good!

Happy New Years Everybody! 
Love, The Richardson Family

Friday, December 18, 2009

Emmy and Santa

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Zoey and Santa

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More pics!

Zoeys play....she was a billy goat :)

Taking a good nap, we were both sickly :(

Boys First fight at school......he did not cry or fight back....teacher said he is to sweet!  Awwww......


Boys first day of school

I guess its been awile......

Seems all my posts start out that way...?  I guess my new goal is to blog every two weeks, that seems normal right?   lol   

Hmm... what have we been up to?  Christmas shopping, organizing, cleaning, moving furniture :) (which I love), thrift store runs, more cleaning, and keeping the kids busy since its dark at 5pm.

Our Christmas shopping is almost done....Kids have made their lists, and santa has gotten 2/3rds of the goods.  I managed to get Isaac and Zoey about all done, but Emmy is just so......Emmy?   She really wants a R/C helicopter, but I have heard nothing but horrible stories about them.  I want her present to last more than a week.....or a day!

This year we are trying to focus on quality stuff for the kids.  I have done alot of thinking about this.  I mean, we buy our kids stuff, and 2-3 months later they are all over the floor, broken, or in the trash already!  Being the huge recycler that I am I am putting more thought into what we are getting them.  Thinking about how long they will last and such.   We are also having the kids make presents for each other, and for mom and dad ;)  I am trying to teach them that Christmas is not about material things.  It could be just spending time together.  It could be a song or poem that you wrote.  I wish that I would have started it a long time ago.  

John and I are starting a new tradition for each other....I go the idea off a blog I read.   We never know what to get each other because    well, we can buy it whenever we want during the year.   So I came across this post call "want, need, share, read"  So its pretty self explanatory Something we want, need, to share and something to read.  I though it was a neat idea so we are trying it this year.

Last weekend, we tore apart the house....We got a 32" Tv for the living room on black friday to replace the 46" that was up here.  It just seemed that the living room was so crowded, so we decided to make a movie room downstairs.  John used to have a bar down there....which was nice but we have put it to better use and have a nice family room down there now.  SO now our upstairs living room is less crowded and made room for the tree!  It seems it is much easier to keep clean now to, Which I love :)

All that moving stuff led to organizing stuff....I should take a picture, I really have a knack for organizing stuff!  I dont know if its a problem or a good thing?  I love to have things organized but I do manage to make a huge mess in the process :)  A few weeks back Zoey and I did the kitchen, that led to a thrift store box.....   Then we did our storage room, which led to the laundry room next to it.....which led to thinking about how to better use the "Bar".  It was king of a snowball effect I think.   I then got a huge box of raft stuff off ebay for a great price.....something i really wanted :)   Which then led to completely cleaning the craft room!  Its so nice to have a craft haven ;)  I love locking myself in there!

I have managed in the last month to make another $73 check from selling stuff at the thrift store.  Last month was $93 ;)  Makes me happy ;)  I like to have a little money to add to our family :)

Alright, going to post this now as my stomach is demanding some breakfast!
Pictures to follow I swear :)
